Project Naples
Cellular providers in the US and Canada
Conversational self-service for common caller intents
Demonstrate the effectiveness of open dialog and other conversational strategies to streamline interactions
Showcase seamless IVR-to-Digital handoff for use cases that benefit from GUI
Use case 1: confirming the balance and making a payment
Use case 2: upgrading to a new device
Project Hansa
National wireline provider
Technical support line for a wide variety of technical issues with wireline services - home internet, TV and phone
Mature application with NLU only at the main menu; directed dialog and touchtone elsewhere
Dynamic troubleshooting flows, configurable in real time based on lab tests and call center data
The troubleshooting call flow for each user-reported issue is assembled dynamically. Based on the information reported by the caller, the diagnostics, and the outcome of previous steps, the next step is dynamically chosen among several dozen possible actions.
This can be modified in real time based on learnings from the hardware testing lab and call center data.
Each troubleshooting step is designed as a discrete module, with no predictable context as to what comes before or after.
Design challenge: making the exchange sound like a cohesive and intelligent conversation, when not working with a stable sequence of steps for each use case.
Examples of troubleshooting steps: